2012-03-26 18:46:57 UTC
I want to purchase this please, please, please
*** Just contact me and tell me how to send thmoney and we can make arrangements to get the package. Ton
I registered for this race and then found out that my work will pa
me to ride and support the race. This is such a FUN race! I did ilast year and LOVED it! The exchange of registration is between me an
whoever buys it. Bonneville cycling club is not involved. This i
their statement on transferring registrations:<br
The exchange is totally between the buyer and seller. Neither BC
nor will act as a third-party or get involved with anThe exchange is totally between the buyer and seller. Neither BC
transactions with regards to selling or purchasing registrations o
merchandise that came with that registration. Registration packet
will be sent to the original purchaser and it is their resonsibilit
to give it to the 'new' purchaser. The ride t-shirt will be in th
registration packet and will be the size and style ordered by th
original purchaser. Exchanges can be made at the event depending upo
availability. The 'new' purchaser must show up at the registratio
booth at the event and sign the ride waiver.<br
Let me know if you missed out signing up and are interested
<li> Location: Provo, UT</li
<li>it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or othe
commercial interests</li></ulLet me know if you missed out signing up and are interested
<li> Location: Provo, UT</li
<li>it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or othe
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